Viewtrakr Wavescore

Viewtrakr Wavescore

The average person on Facebook has over 200 friends. What would happen if those two hundred people added their two hundred friends, or more? I’ll tell You. You might end up having over ten thousand friends but Facebook wouldn’t let you have that many friends because it is an issue of numbers and advertising. now imagine those ten thousand friends added their two hundred friends? you could have over a million friends. That would be a very nice network and that is what “Viewtrakr Wavescore” is all about, helping you build your own network with new technology that speeds up the process of connecting people and sharing information while making money doing so.

Sound like fun yet?

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Marketing Using Linkedin




With so much platforms constantly popping up, it is vital as a Business and as a Marketer to identify which one of these platforms is the best in terms of productivity, depending on what you are selling or providing to your Customers and/or Audience.

The sole purpose of this post is to bring to light, the concept of Marketing using LinkedIn compared to all other marketing / social platforms that is out there in our ever evolving digital world.




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Is Virgin Mobile Ireland the best network for a 30 day sim only plan?

I have a Mobile industry background and I’m always interested in what the networks have to offer. Years of working at a major mobile retail outlet has made me realise that even though customers are after the best deal available, they are never really on the best price plan when compared to the deals that are really out there.

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